Strength Cards

When you need to remind yourself what's strong with you NOT what's wrong with you
Strength cards

For Therapists Coaches and People searching for what's Strong with them

One of the key contributions positive psychology has made is supporting individuals to reflect on, consider, and identify their core strengths to utilize them to lead a flourishing life (Boniwell, 2006).

What strengths do I have

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Electronic copy


  • An electronic version of Strength cards

    • With this purchase you will get access to
    • Viewable presentation of Strength Cards
    • PDF Download of Strength cards
    • Viewable PDF of Strength cards
    • Access to the Prosperous Nirvana Community
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Quality card deck


  • Printed high-quality deck of Strength Cards

    • High Quality deck of playing cards
    • Electronic Cards
    • Access to the Prosperous Nirvana Community
    • Postage included: Republic of Ireland only
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