Happiness and success are just a 
conversation away

Abundance in all areas of life is your birth right. You have achieved success in your career, now let me guide you in your journey
 to creating more happiness, wealth and wellbeing in all other areas of your life. 

Success on purpose - Monthly membership

Building self-esteem, self-compassion and resilience through tried and tested techniques
one to one coaching with William Whitford

Membership Summary

How to become resilient and know that everything will be fine no matter what.  There is  NOTHING, you need to DO, BE or GET to have happiness right now!

If you’re anything like me in the past, you’re working in an environment that no longer fulfills you. You’re stressed, burnt out and left wondering whether this is all this place has in store for you or if there is something more waiting for you out there. You want a career in a place untainted by toxic office politics and relationships, where people help each other rather than step on each other’s heads to get where they want. You want to thrive, achieve and feel recognised. You’re not sure where to start making the changes you know need to be made and you feel kinda stuck not knowing what you truly want. Should I stay or should I go?

  In this monthly membership,  you will have access to several techniques and insights that helped me build resilience and purpose in my career and  will be part of a community of like minded people who have been there and have l created a clear vision for their  dream career and a path to get there while prioritising their values and goals.

You’ll walk away with:    
                      - A clear vision for your career                        
 -Knowing what’s holding you back from achieving your goals                      
  -A simple step by step plan to get there    

Ready to create a career path you love?

Membership Content

William Whitford

Greetings! I'm Will,  

And I'm on a mission to empower caregivers to live a fulfilling life, free from the burden of burnout. My passion for this cause stems from my personal experience as a caregiver to my late partner. Through my unique approach, which combines principles of coaching, hypnotherapy, and RTT, I help caregivers develop healthy beliefs and habits that enable them to flourish physically, emotionally, and mentally. With my guidance, you can care for others while prioritizing your own well-being, and unlock your full potential to live your best life. Let's embark on this journey together and embrace a life of vitality and joy!

Claudia Kaldenbach

Eat for change

After 25 years of personal development, William gave me an experience that brought me clarity and relief. Being a high achiever I was bothered by my perfectionism. Getting stressed and not able to get things done. During the hypnotherapy William guided me to the past and we found the cause beneath it all. I felt safe during the hypnotherapy session and was impressed by his expertise. Although it was also emotional I felt a huge relief. I can feel that he puts his heart in it to give his clients the best results in their pursuit of happiness. Highly recommended for high achievers who’d like to live life to the fullest and leave the past behind. Thank you!!

Course Pricing

  • monthly plan
  • 47

    per month

    A membership for high achieving executives who desire success, fulfilment and abundance in their career, relationships and wellbe

    Buy Now
  • Community of successful people supporting each other on the way to success
  • Regular interviews with experts in wellbeing and stress management
  • Monthly live webinar
  • Access to recorded meditations, visualisations and self-hypnosis recordings
  • Access to "Becoming Unfuckwithable" personal development course